I feel I have played enough Marvel Nemesis to comment

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I feel I have played enough Marvel Nemesis to comment

Post by Necrosis »

Marvel Nemesis. We've probably all heard the immense hype on it. It looked pretty badass, no? It has been welcomed with lukewarm reception. Bad reviews from some, OK reviews from others. So I wasn't expecting very much.

As we all know, this makes a game a lot better than it really is. I was hoping, seeing how the game plays in a video, that it would at least be nice and fun to play. It is indeed a very well done game considering that it was rushed, a small variation on what happened to Blood 2. The Bloodites hate Blood 2 unanimously, yet it seems only comic nerds can truly love Nemesis.

I find the selection of heroes... Lacking. The Hulk, Punisher and Cap'n America die right in the beginning of the story, now how fun would they have been to play as? However, they did add some that are forcing me to applause. Iron Man, for one. Who can resist Venom? Daredevil plays in a way different from everybody more than others do.

Yet the same characters you see in EVERY Marvel game are here. Too many X-men, Wolverine was understandable but Storm was a bad choice. The Fantastic 4 are too plentiful, with half of them in here, and if you are playing the PSP version Dr. Doom is thrown in as well. But it's ok because they all play uniquely, and despite having horrible characters (Does Elektra have superpowers? Not really) any skilled player can win against anything with their favorite character.

And speaking of which, balance is also an issue. Where Spider-man can lift cars, attack strongly and insanely fast, and dodge way too well, Storm has difficulty even running up to her opponent without getting slapped by a car (I hate to elaborate so much on Storm but she SUCKS). Iron Man can beat almost anybody with both in the hands of new players, with the exception of Niles Van Roekel and Paragon, the two most powerful in the game. They are the most unbalanced, with an insane degree of power and speed for each with some devestating powers.

And the Imperfect characters... Some are quite awesome, with Johnny Ohm being one of the more cool characters ever, and Paragon, despite being really unbalanced, looking pretty sweet. Some, however, are horrible. The Wink is an incredibly cheap character, her strengths lying in her ability to teleport and basically just show up behing you then throw you into some [sarcasm] exploding couches [/sarcasm]. Solara can fire... Well, fire, way too fast, with Venom (the first character you get to fight her as unless you choose to *SPOILER* kill Daredevil when you get the chance) being unable to get out of her way quick enough, even all the way across the room.

Altogether, despite having a ton of horrible problems, and lacking the 4 player battles that could have made it the best party game ever, it is worth a look. It has been compared to PowerStone and Def Jam, and having only played a demo of PowerStone and never playing Def Jam, I can say that it is indeed incredibly similar to PowerStone. Basically if you at all like arena fighters it's pretty much awesome. Although I am hoping they make a sequel, correct all these glaring problems and add some download content (being able to download a new superhero would have been nice, but EA isn't doing it for this one) perhaps, it could very well be a totally awesome game.
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